Legal – County Board of Jackson



July 19, 2016

This document constitutes a summary of the Proceedings of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners’ July 19, 2016 meeting.  The full text of these proceedings is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Office of the County Coordinator, Jackson County Court House, 405 Fifth Street, in the City of Jackson, Minnesota.

The County Board of Jackson County, Minnesota met in regular session, in the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room, 405 Fourth Street, City of Jackson, Minnesota, on July 19, 2016.  The following County Board members were present: Rosemary Schultz, William Tusa, Kim Hummel, David Henkels and Don Wachal, Commissioners. County Coordinator Steven Duncan and Trish Schulz, Human Resources Technician, were also in attendance.

Chair Schultz called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to adopt the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Approved the July 5, 2016 Board of Commissioner meeting minutes.

Approved all Commissioners disbursements in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 130.01, subd. 4(b), recorded on warrants numbered 78808 through 78952 in the amount of $2,747,683.69 – for Revenue Fund, $116,829.45; Road and Bridge, $2,157,912.38; Ditch Funds, $187,343.38; Bonds Fund 36, $25,868.75; Bonds Fund 38, $11,260.00; Agency, $2,662.50; Revolving Loan Fund, $234.00; and Bonds Fund 37, $18,276.25.  A detailed list of claims paid is available at the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office upon request.

   Approved Addendum to the Public Works Joint Powers Agreement to address Litigation and Cost Sharing with the City of Jackson.

   Approved the Sheriff’s Department request for a County credit card for Chief Deputy Kelly Mitchell, and authorize the request of Sheriff Haken to increase the limit to $1,000 for the Department Head credit card.

Approved the recycling fee abatement for parcel 24.200.0310 for $144.00.

Approved utility permits.

Kurt Deter of Rinke, Noonan Attorneys at Law appeared by telephone to present information to the Board of Commissioners regarding County Ditch 124. Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to approve acting as Drainage Authority; approve settlement orders.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to approve  Opting-out of the Requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 394.307.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to approve the Contract and Bond with Mathiowetz Construction Co. for SAP 032-629-39, SAP 032-629-040 and SAP 032-629-041 (related to grading & box culvert replacement on CSAH 29).  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to approvrefinal payment for CP 032-100-021.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to approve the policy on Transverse Rumble Strips, and directing solicitation of quotes for work at the Engineer’s discretion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to approve purchase from State Contract #70287, and from Ranger Chevrolet of Hibbing, MN, for a 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD Crew Cab for the Highway Maintenance Department at a total cost of $34,190.82.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Schultz and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to approve a contract for legal secretary services to prepare echarging complaints for Handevidt and Anderson LLC.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to approve State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the County of Jackson on Behalf of its County Attorney.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to approve State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the County of Jackson on Behalf of its County Sheriff.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to approve State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the County of Jackson on Behalf of its County Court Services.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding the Government Center East/62 Building HVAC & Office Development project.  Mr. Duncan informed that the bids received to do the project exceeded estimates and that there was not enough funding to complete the project, as designed, at this time.

A special meeting/work session was scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Board Room, to further discuss the proposed project and how it fits with available capital improvement funds utilized for such projects.

  Commissioner Wachal reported on meetings he attended including DNR and Public Works/Parks regarding Kilen Woods State Park, GBERBA, AMC District 8 land use meeting, and Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services (DVHHS).

  Commissioner Tusa reported on meetings he attended including the County/City of Jackson Public Works Facility, Jackson City Council meeting, Western Community Action Executive Meeting, Western Transit, Fair Association Board, Land Management meeting regarding Loon Lake Sewer Project, Hunger Team, Judicial Ditch meeting with Nobles County, DVHHS, and a meeting held with County staff and Fair Association Board representatives.     

  Commissioner Hummel reported on meetings she attended including the County/City of Jackson Public Works Facility, Jackson City Council meeting, Land Management meeting regarding Loon Lake Sewer Project, Fort Belmont, DVHHS, and a meeting held with County staff and Fair Association Board representatives.     

  Commissioner Schultz reported on meetings she attended including Extension Committee, Trails Committee, Judicial Ditch meeting with Nobles County, Statewide Health Improvement Plan, DVHHS, and Prairie Ecology Bus Center.

  Commissioner Henkels reported on meetings he attended including DNR and Public Works/Parks regarding Kilen Woods State Park, Judicial Ditch meeting with Nobles County, Southwest Mental Health Governing Board, DVHHS, and the Southwest Regional Development Commission Annual Meeting.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to adjourn the meeting.



Rosemary Schultz, Chair


Steven Duncan, County Coordinator

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