Legal – Proceedings Jackson County Board



July 26, 2016

The County Board of Jackson County, Minnesota met for a special meeting/work session (related to review and discussion regarding the 1962 Building HVAC and Office Development Project and the draft 2017-2021 capital improvement project), in the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room, 405 Fourth Street, City of Jackson, Minnesota, at 9:00 a.m., on July 26, 2016.  The following County Board members were present: Rosemary Schultz, William Tusa, Kim Hummel, David Henkels; Commissioners. County Coordinator Steven Duncan and Trish Schulz, Human Resources Technician, were also in attendance.  Commissioner Don Wachal was absent.

Chair Schultz called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to adopt the agenda.  The motion carried with four “ayes’, no “nays” and one “absent”.

County Coordinator, Steve Duncan presented information to the Board of Commissioners regarding recent bids received for the 1962 Building (Government Center East) HVAC and Office Development Project.  He informed that the low bid was $1,120,000 with a $6,000 alternated bid (to enhance WIC office space).  He informed that it was estimated that there is an additional $30,000 to $35,000 in abatement costs.  He informed that the total project was estimated to cost between $1.2 and $1.4 million dollars.  He informed that there were not sufficient funds for the project to be done in 2017 without levying for the project or committing general revenue fund reserves.  He provided different scenarios that might be contemplated by the Board in the context of capital improvement program planning.

Sheriff Shawn Haken discussed the need for a long-range plan concerning the Law Enforcement Center/Jail.  He informed that it is possible that the Minnesota Department of Corrections could order the jail non-compliant which will necessitate the need for a new facility.  It was roughly estimated that such a facility could be anywhere from $12 to $20 million dollars to construct and complete.

There was much discussion about how to precede with such projects including that a new jail would likely need to be a bonded project.  Other areas of discussion included the option of scaling back the HVAC renovation, the eventual need to replace the current boiler system that serves the entire, courthouse campus, improving the air quality in the Government Center East building, and the long-term placement of offices currently housed in the Government Center East building.  Applicable County and Des Moines Valley Health & Human Services staff informed that they would look at the cost of doing some minor upgrades (e.g., new and/or additional window air conditioning units) in some of the work areas located in Government Center East building

Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried with four “ayes’, no “nays” and one “absent”.



                     Rosemary Schultz, Chair


Steven Duncan, County Coordinator

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