Proceedings – Jackson County



July 5, 2016

This document constitutes a summary of the Proceedings of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners’ July 5, 2016 meeting.  The full text of these proceedings is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Office of the County Coordinator, Jackson County Court House, 405 Fifth Street, in the City of Jackson, Minnesota.

The County Board of Jackson County, Minnesota met in regular session, in the Jackson County Courthouse Board Room, 405 Fourth Street, City of Jackson, Minnesota, on July 5, 2016.  The following County Board members were present: Rosemary Schultz, William Tusa, Kim Hummel, David Henkels and Don Wachal, Commissioners. County Coordinator Steven Duncan and Trish Schulz, Human Resources Technician, were also in attendance.

Chair Schultz called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to adopt the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Tusa to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Approved the June 21, 2016 Board of Commissioner meeting minutes.

Approved all Commissioners disbursements in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 130.01, subd. 4(b), recorded on warrants numbered 78712 through 78807 in the amount of $65,059.18 – for Revenue Fund, $35,822.95; Road and Bridge, $14,320.30; Ditch Funds, $800.00; Health Insurance, $1,484.00; Agency, $2,090.50; Revolving Loan, $20.00; Tax and Penalty, $419.28; and Library, $10,102.15.  A detailed list of claims paid is available at the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office upon request.

Approved request by Michael & Bridget, Inc. for a seven day Temporary 3.2% Malt Liquor License from July 25, 2016 to July 31, 2016 to serve beer and wine at the Jackson County Fair.     

Approved Declaration to Choose to Have Jackson County, Minnesota’s Audit Performed by a CPA Firm.

Authorized the Emergency Management Director to sign grant agreement for the Emergency Management Performance Grant.

Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to authorize the purchase of a lawn mower to be used by the Land Management Department and not to exceed $5,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding recent Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings legislation.

Discussion was held regarding the countywide recycling contract. Commissioners Henkels and Wachal will participate on a committee to be set up with city representatives.

Motion was made by Commissioner Schultz and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to approve purchase from State Contract #73895 and from Nelson Auto Center of Fergus Falls, MN for two, 2016 GMC Sierra 2500 pickups for the Highway Maintenance Department at a total cost of $60,475.29.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chair Schultz opened the Public Hearing regarding a Tax Abatement request for TP Holdings, LLC, to be used in the City of Lakefield, at 11:02 am.  Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to open the Public Hearing.  Motion carried unanimously.

Shannon Sweeney of David Drown Associates presented information regarding the Tax Abatement request.  He highlighted that the City of Lakefield had previously approved a tax abatement, by that local government and for TP Holdings, LLC, to be used to construct a building to be leased to Lewis drugstore.

Commissioner Henkels expressed concerns with the length of the tax abatement proposal.

After all persons who wished to do so had stated or filed their views on said tax abatement, Chair Schultz declared the public hearing closed at 11:15 am.  Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner Schultz to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to authorize a property tax abatement on property located in the City of Lakefield for the purpose of funding project expenses for TP Holdings, LLC.  The motion carried with four “ayes’ and one “nay” (Commissioner Henkels voted “nay”).  Motion carried.

Motion was made by Commissioner Tusa and seconded by Commissioner Hummel closing the meeting as permitted by Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05, under attorney-client privilege, regarding potential litigation.  Motion carried unanimously.

   Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by CommissionerTusa re-opening the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

   Motion was made by Commissioner Wachal and seconded by Commissioner Hummel to authorize the County Attorney to proceed as directed.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Wachal to approve  setting a public hearing for August 2, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. in the County Board Room of the Jackson County Courthouse to consider the 2017 – 2021 Capital Improvement Plan. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Hummel to set the salary of appointed Sheriff Shawn Haken for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2016.  Motion carried unanimously.

   Motion was made by Commissioner Henkels and seconded by Commissioner Hummel to approve recommending that Les Anderson. Glen Friedrich and Marlow Nickel, be appointed to the Red Rock Rural Water System Board of Commissioners.  Motion carried unanimously.

  Commissioner Wachal reported on attending a luncheon held by Fort Belmont.

  Commissioner Tusa reported on attending a luncheon held by Fort Belmont and a Western Community Action meeting.

  Commissioner Hummel reported on attending a luncheon held by Fort Belmont.

  Commissioner Schultz reported on a meeting she attended involving the Jackson County Historical Society, a SW Minnesota Housing Partnership conference call, a Research to Action conference call, and attending a luncheon held by Fort Belmont.

  Commissioner Henkels reported on meetings he attended involving the SW Mental Health Governing Board, Southwest Regional Development Commission/Transportation, Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services Board, Southwest Regional Development Commission, and Heron Lake Watershed District.     

Motion was made by Commissioner Hummel and seconded by Commissioner Henkels to adjourn the meeting.


Rosemary Schultz, Chair
ATTEST: Steven Duncan, County Coordinator

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